10 Tips for The Perfect Office Move

Written By

Machaela Casey
Male Office worker moving boxes in office

Moving offices can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Follow these tips to make sure that you reap all the benefits of office relocation.

Tip #1: Make Moving an Opportunity

Corporate office relocation gives your business a great opportunity to review your current practices and set up new ones in your space. Branding, corporate culture and communication styles can all get a makeover! Turn over a new leaf in your new space.

Tip #2: Treat it Like a Project

Assign a project manager to the move and treat it like any work project with milestones, benchmarks, and other metrics to make sure everything is on schedule. Work with senior employees to make every part of the move seamless from IT to HR.

Tip #3: Make Your New Space Intentional

When you’re picking a new space, think about different factors like commute times, accessibility for differently abled people, and availability of parking.

Tip #4: Use a Reputable Real Estate Professional

When you find your own apartment or home to rent or buy, you probably use a real estate professional to help. The same is true for office space. Do your research and find a local broker or agent to help with the perfect space.

Tip #5: Work With the Right Contractors

Many office moves require builds, and for that, you need to work with design firms and contractors. Work with someone who is excited about making your vision for your company’s space come to life.

Tip #6: Listen to Advice From Your Hired Experts

Know where you can compromise and where you can’t, and listen to the sound advice from the reputable experts you have hired, or they may be saying: “I told you so,” somewhere down the line.

Tip #7: Consider the Details

The color palette, lighting options, furniture choices and more can all have an effect on office moods and productivity. Take everything about your move seriously, down to the last detail!

Tip #8: Plan Your Move

Everything is done and ready for your team to move in! Hire the right office relocation services to do the heavy lifting and plan where employees will be during the transition and how they will (or won’t) be assisting. Office move planning is key.

Tip #9: Keep Your Business Online

Make sure you have a dedicated team keeping your business running while others are helping with the move. Hiring the right office relocation company helps with this. Your team can work while movers take care of everything else.

Tip #10: Make the First Day Fun

On the first day at the new space after office relocation, plan a tour or special breakfast to make employees feel welcome and comfortable in their new space. Congratulations on planning a successful office relocation!