5 Moving Sale Tips That Will Make You More Money.

Written By

Machaela Casey
Guy laying on stomach in front of laptop and moving boxes

Ready to move but have too much stuff? A moving sale will help you get rid of unwanted household items before the big day. Plus, you could make hundreds — or even thousands of dollars — in the process. Here’s are five practical tips for organizing a killer moving sale.

1. Advertise Your Sale on Social Media

You won’t make any cash if nobody knows about your event. Take to social media and advertise your moving sale online to friends, family, and colleagues. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, get the word out.

2. Create a Moving Sale Checklist

Plan your event ahead of time. Go around your home and make a checklist of all the items you want to sell. Then, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you really want to keep this item?
  • Can you find space for it in your new home?
  • Will someone near me pay a good price for it?

Remember, some items will bring in more cash than others, including:

  • Old games
  • Exercise equipment (treadmills, resistance weights, etc.)
  • Jackets
  • Household tools
  • Electronics (old laptops, televisions, etc.)

3. Make a Yard Sign

Sure, you’ve advertised your sale on social media, but yard signs are just as effective for raising awareness. Advertise your moving sale on a large sign and place it in your front yard a week before your event. Don’t forget to include the time of your sale!

4. Price Up Your Items

This is the difficult part. Pricing your items can be tricky, so make sure you having a good costing strategy. Price your items too high, and they won’t sell. Price them too low, and you won’t make much of a profit.

5. Check the Weather Forecast

The night before your moving sale, check the weather forecast. If it’s going to be dry, host your sale in your front yard. If it’s going to rain, you might need to entertain your guests inside your home. Want to know how to set up a moving sale? Follow the five tips above. As a result, you can maximize revenue and create a fun event that you and your neighbors will enjoy.