
Machinery Movers Near Me

Written By

Machaela Casey
Excavator on a platform for transporting cars

Searching “Machinery Movers Near Me”?

Look for the Best

Big truck with a low platform trailer carrying a tipper truck on a public parking area of a truck stop

Moving a factory or plant is hard work. Machinery is bulky, heavy, and expensive. Transporting specialty equipment is definitely a big job. You want your move to be done quickly by professionals who know how to do it right. No problem. At Nelson Westerberg, we’re experts at moving industrial machinery. We’ll move your industry—and all of your big machines—safely and efficiently in order to keep your business running.

Hire Heavy Machinery Movers

Not all movers are created equal. To move equipment, you need specialists. We can help. Our industrial machinery movers can disassemble, repair, and reassemble your most complicated machines. We’ll tackle any unforeseen challenges to ensure that all of your equipment arrives intact and on time.

Make Sure They Have the Right Equipment

Moving heavy, bulky machines requires the right equipment, and we’ve got it. We have specialized lift trucks of all sizes. We also have forklifts, pallet jacks, air skates, tri-lifters, cranes, and more. We’re equipped to break down, transport, and set up machines of all shapes and sizes. We’ve moved plants, factories, and even military freight. Whatever you need moved, we have the movers and the equipment to get the job done right.

Get a Point Person

Every move is different. You have your own timeline and your own specific needs. We understand the logistics of moving a business, and we know it can get tricky. That’s why we’ll provide you with one point of contact to guide you through the process and troubleshoot any issues that might pop up along the way. Our point person will ensure that you have the right professional machinery movers to transport your equipment and meet all of your deadlines. Need storage solutions? No problem. Our point person will figure that out for you, too.

Go with the Experts

If you’re Googling “machinery movers near me,” look no further. At Nelson Westerberg, we’ve moved companies of all shapes and sizes for over 100 years. In that time, we’ve worked with over 200 clients and have maintained some of those partnerships for over 45 years. We’ll transport your equipment safely and efficiently so that you can get your business up and running at your new location in no time.